June, 2006
We finished a nice day about the town and came back to the apartment to watch a video. I noticed lights out of the side window and was suprised to see fireworks. So, I grabbed the camera (which was already on a tripod) and pointed it at the show. It was dark and I had to put the lens on manual focus, so the combination of the smoke from the fireworks and the soft focus gave a surreal effect. All of these photos were taken with my Canon 1Ds Mark II with a 28-300mm lens. Exposure times were manual (bulb) and ranged from 2 seconds to more than 6 seconds.
Nice streamers on this one.
Plenty of action here with the second show.
A multiple burst.
Note the bomb on the way up.
Several colorful bursts.
Nice bright, white streamers.
Great streamers.
A bit over exposed, but these shots were very, very bright.
Multiple bursts.
I like the streamers coming up from the launch area. Note that they are helical.
Another great weekend in Manhattan. We did not even have to leave the apartment to see this great show.